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For Love of an Angel Page 3
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Page 3
He reached out and closed his hands over hers. The low vibration humming off his fingers sent tingles of awareness through her whole body. Seriously, she could understand why humans were so cowed by them. If there ever was a being who seemed worthy of worship, it was an angel.
“Why are you telling me all this?”
“Because I don’t want you to fear me. Because you should know. And because I’m determined to stop them.”
A hint of his desperation washed over her.
“Why?” she couldn’t help but ask. “Why do you care so much?”
“It’s not right, Eva. Eradication of an entire species. It goes against everything I stand for. Against everything all of my brethren once stood for, before they became corrupted by the loss of our world and their sense of power over your species.”
This was all so surreal. Not the least of which was the fact that, even though he spoke of the extinction of humans, she was still so aware of his body next to hers. His thumbs began a slow swirl over the back of her hands and she shuddered, her nipples hardening to the point of discomfort. Why did she have to be so sexually in tune to this being? That should be the farthest thing from her mind right now.
It took a physical shake of her head to clear her mind enough that she could utter her next thought. “Is that why you’re Fallen? Because you defended humans?”
Michael released her hands and lifted to his feet. He slid across the room with the fluid grace of a panther. The muscles in his bare back popped with every move.
Stunning. He was utterly stunning.
“There were little more than two dozen of us, including me, my mate, and my sisters,” he said, returning to the window. “No more than a tenth of our total population. We objected quite strenuously. When the others realized they couldn’t bend us to their will, we were cursed by our kind. Our wings were singed black, the ultimate shame for an angel, and we were imprisoned. After we were paraded in front of our brethren as a warning to those who might sympathize with the humans, we were sentenced to die. Twelve of us, less than half, managed to escape our prison.”
Something about the flat way in which he spoke gave her pause. “And the rest?”
“Burned alive. The only way an angel can be killed.”
Oh God. She wouldn’t wish that form of death on anybody. Wait a second, he’d mentioned…
“Your sisters? Your…mate?”
“Dead,” he replied without turning to face her. “All but one sister.”
The automatic words of condolence she longed to speak died on her tongue. They meant so little at any rate. She’d never had siblings, never been married, and she hadn’t known her father. But Eva knew the pain of losing a mother. No words could ever offer enough comfort. The fact that he was an angel and not human didn’t change that in her mind. He obviously had feelings too.
In the end she just murmured, “Sorry.”
He half-swiveled his upper body around so he looked at her. “Does that mean you believe me?”
“I…” She blinked at the realization that she did. For one, if he was bent on destroying humans like the Consortium claimed, wouldn’t she be dead already? On top of that, she sensed he was telling the truth. Sensed it in the timbre of his voice, in the rigid set of his back. And if there was one thing she’d always had, it was an uncanny ability to tell whether or not someone was being false—her truth compass, she called it. It was the same feeling that had always made her doubt the doctrines spouted by the Consortium.
“You know,” she said, “I think I do believe you.”
A shadow of a smile crossed Michael’s face. Turning, he placed his hands on the windowsill and leaned forward. He shifted his gaze straight up to the sky.
“What are you doing?” she asked him. “That’s like the third or fourth time you’ve stared out the window.”
“Looking for sentinels,” he responded in a low tone.
“Sentinels?” Her curiosity got the better of her. She stood and headed toward the window. It was small enough that she had to stand close to Michael, so close she could feel the heat coming off his body. “What are sentinels?”
He cast her a gaze that looked distinctly amused. “Angels who take turns flying over the land, standing guard. They’ve been trying to smoke us out ever since our escape over a decade ago. Have you never noticed them?”
Eva blinked and decided on the honest answer. “No. Between work and curfew, it’s not like I have a lot of time to sky-watch. And the last thing I want to do on my days off is look out for angels. Besides, I didn’t think there were that many of you, so it’s not like I expect to see a figure soaring through the air at any moment.”
A grin covered his face and he shifted his gaze outside again. “It’s true there aren’t many of us, but an angel can cover a good couple hundred square miles in a night.”
“Really?” She shot him an impressed glance. “That much?”
“Yes. That still doesn’t provide total coverage, so they vary their guard routes, keeping their schedules random so neither I nor the remainder of the Fallen can detect any patterns.”
She cocked a brow. “Why don’t they just use security cameras to track you?”
He let out a soft laugh and graced her with a heated look that sent a shiver down to her toes. “Very good question, beloved. We angels travel too quickly for anyone to safely rely on electronic media to spot us.”
“Okay. So all of this means that whenever you fly you’re taking a chance on being detected?”
“Yes. Though I’m cautious when I fly, there is always the possibility of being spotted by one of my former brethren.”
Huh. Given their persona non grata status and the Consortium’s claims that all Fallen must be captured and destroyed, that was a pretty big risk.
“Well then, that leaves one big question. If it’s such a gamble, why did you decide to come here tonight, of all places?”
Michael turned a steady gaze toward her. He examined her for an agonizingly long moment before responding. “Because, Eva, I believe you would make me a good mate.”
Chapter Four
Eva stared blankly at the Fallen angel standing by her side. He thought she could be a good mate for him? For a long moment she couldn’t even form the words of denial that rose up in her throat. Finally she found her voice. “That’s…that’s preposterous. I couldn’t possibly be your mate.”
“Your essence calls to me,” Michael explained in a matter-of-fact tone. “As mine does to you.”
She sliced her hand through the air. “That’s just pheromones. It has nothing to do with me being your mate.”
His response was simple. “Eva, it has everything to do with it.”
“No.” She shook her head for emphasis. “No, that’s just crazy. Angels mate with angels, not humans.”
His throaty chuckle reverberated throughout her eardrums. He reached out and smoothed a strand of curls off her shoulder. “Now that’s just years of programming talking, beloved.”
The knowledge that he might be right struck a nerve. How much of what she’d been taught to believe was pure and utter bullshit? Still, even if angels and humans were possible mates for each other, that didn’t mean she was his.
“Don’t call me beloved,” she snapped at him. “And I’m not going to fall into your arms just because you smell good.”
His laugh was one of pure amusement. He followed it up with another heated perusal of her body. “Too bad.”
For the first time tonight, Eva was grateful that it was dark in the living room. Maybe that way he wouldn’t notice the pinkening of her cheeks.
Almost as one, they turned to stare out the window. Well, she only pretended to stare, but hopefully he hadn’t noticed that. Her mind raced with the thought of everything she’d learned.
Never in a million years could she have predicted this turn of events. It was life-changing. If everything Michael said was true, and she was inclined to believe it, humankind was headed on a course tow
ard extinction. Knowing that, she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing. But then, what could one person do? Would anyone believe her if she told them the truth? And if they did, how long before the angels wised up and had her silenced?
“Why do you need another mate anyway?” As soon as the words left her lips, she realized how silly they were. A full-body flush settled over her. “I mean…uh, besides the obvious reasons.”
Michael let out a soft chuckle. “Call it a peculiarity of our species. We have some physical conditions that make pairing off particularly desirable.”
She furrowed her brows and looked at him. “Huh?”
With a half-smile, he reached out and smoothed the skin between her brows. “For now we need to file this under the ‘You aren’t ready to know’ category.”
While she had to admit that the thought of getting it on with an angel—no, with this angel—held more than a little appeal, somehow it sounded like he was in for a lot more than a one-night stand. And that wasn’t going to work for her. What did he expect, for her to go into a life of hiding with him? To forever be on the run from the Consortium, from the remainder of the angels?
She staunchly ignored the little part of her that whispered, Why not? After all, your best alternative right now is Travis.
“Look, I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can be your mate. You should probably move on to the next human. My neighbor two doors down is a really hot single chick. Maybe you can try her.” And I’ll hate her forever for getting what I turned down.
Much to her surprise, he looked offended by her words. But the look was gone just as quickly as it came. He smoothed his features into an expressionless mask. “It’s not as easy as that. This connection between us, it isn’t common, Eva. Not just any human will do. You are quite rare.”
“I am?” she whispered. Why did his words please her so much, even though she was determined to say no? “Surely there’s at least one other person in this city who’ll suffice.”
“Perhaps.” His frank gaze met hers. “But now, having met you, I find that I want no other.”
She sucked in a breath at his words. An answering tingle of awareness spread between her thighs as if her body recognized the importance of what he’d just admitted. Excitement drummed in her chest, her body kicking into overdrive as if begging for a new adventure. For a chance at the new life he’d just thrown down in front of her. But her mind rebelled. It was too risky. Insane, really. He was an angel. A Fallen, for Christ’s sake. That path led to sure destruction.
Eva took a deep breath. “I don’t think—”
“I’m not asking you to mate with me tonight, beloved.” His voice turned silky. “Unless you decided you wanted to, that is.”
“No,” she squeaked out.
“But then why not give me an opportunity to plead my case,” he countered smoothly. “I won’t ask for much. A period of a few days time. If at the end you’re still determined to refuse, I’ll go away and never return.”
Never return? Why did the thought of that seem so depressing?
“I…I have work to go to tomorrow. It’s not like I can go anywhere with you. Anyway, it’s too risky for you to keep flying back and forth from wherever you live. I just don’t see how it’ll work—”
“You’re right.”
She ignored the disappointed lump that grew in her throat. “I am?”
“Yes. It’s too dangerous.” He lifted a hand and ran it through her hair, carefully winding a finger around her curls before letting go. “That’s why I’ll have to stay here with you.”
Eva’s heart gave a frantic thump in her chest. “You’ll what?”
Holy shit! She had an angel—a freaking Fallen angel—sleeping on her couch.
Eva smoothed her comforter for the millionth time and tried to calm herself down enough to fall asleep. If he’d seemed disgruntled when she informed him that she used the spare bedroom as a sewing room and therefore the only place he could sleep was on the couch, he hadn’t shown it.
Everything that had happened in the span of the last few hours was unbelievable, and more than a little overwhelming. What was so special about her that called to Michael? That had prompted him to risk his life by seeking her out and propositioning her? And who could’ve imagined that he would be so—so tempting?
The memory of his bare back crept into her mind, and of the way his chiseled muscles had rippled. The man was positively sinful. And he wanted her. She clenched her thighs at the thought of his electrifying touch on her bare flesh. What would it feel like to be worshipped with those hands, inch by bare inch? To touch the rigid flesh of his back. To feel his thighs against hers?
Lord, he made her so hot. She longed to slide her hand down under the covers. To alleviate the ache between her thighs. Clenching her teeth, she fought the urge. She’d be damned if she was going to get herself off while thinking of the sexy angel down the hall. That would lead her to wonder things she shouldn’t be wondering. Like how it would feel to be his mate.
“You can’t go with him,” she whispered to herself. She couldn’t just run off with a Fallen angel. She had her life here. Her job. What would happen if she simply stopped showing up for work?
But then what are you going to do? Keep going to the coffee shop like a mindless drone? Stick your head in the sand and pretend like the angels aren’t plotting the destruction of the human race?
For not the first time, she felt utterly helpless. What could one person do against an entire race of beings with superior strength and abilities?
Why did Michael have to go and ruin her feeling of safety? Okay, well maybe she’d never truly felt safe. Those niggling doubts about angels had always been present in the back of her mind. But back then her doubts had been unfounded. Now….well, whoever said ignorance wasn’t bliss was a lying sack of shit. She’d love a little ignorance right now.
What to do? What to do?
Get some sleep, Eva.
She could always think about it some more tomorrow.
The salty-sweet essence of Eva’s desire drifted from her bedroom over to where she’d set up a makeshift bed for him on the couch. Likely she’d be mortified if she knew he could smell it. Was she thinking of him? Wondering what it would be like to have his hands on her flesh? Perhaps even touching herself and imagining her fingers were his?
Michael had wondered what Eva’s skin would feel like ever since the first moment he and his brethren had sensed her. Her essence called to him above all of his brethren. The luscious little creature was single with no family to call her own. All signs had pointed to her being a possible mate. And when he’d touched her flesh earlier tonight he’d known. She was his.
Now came the difficult part. Convincing her.
He shot off the couch with the fluid grace representative of his people. Humans seemed so much clumsier in comparison, like untrained children. But not Eva. She moved with the agility of a dancer. With her full breasts, curvy hips, and long, lean legs, not to mention the sharp intellect and bravery she’d displayed, she seemed the perfect match for him. He could well imagine soaring high in the air with her in his arms, her legs wrapped tight around his waist while he thrust into her warm, willing body.
With a muttered curse at the direction of his thoughts, Michael strode toward the window and resumed his watch for sentinels. When Eva had insisted on preparing the couch for him, he’d decided against telling her he didn’t plan on sleeping this night. Angels could go days without rest if need be, and he didn’t dare lower his guard while his beloved slumbered just yards away. He’d already lost one mate to his former brethren, and he wasn’t about to lose another. But knowing that he would stay awake might have made her too nervous to seek her own rest, and she needed it. Especially if she chose to join him on his journey.
From what he’d witnessed of Eva tonight, she trusted her instincts. That was an admirable trait, and one he hoped would ultimately
work in his favor. Given enough time, he would be able to demonstrate all the reasons why she would wish to be mated to him.
And there was no mistake about it. She would be his mate.
Chapter Five
Eva had always loved dreaming. In dreams you could act in ways you normally never would in real life. This was one of those dreams.
She was at a masked ball. But other than the elaborate feather mask she wore, the only other article of clothing she had on was her button-down shirt. A few masked figures tried to entice her into dancing, but she only had eyes for one man. He stood across the crowded ballroom, a mask covering the upper portion of his face. One side of it was white, the other black, just like the mismatched wings he wore on his bare back.
She stepped toward him, and the crowd seemed to melt away. Trembling footsteps carried her forward.
He met her halfway, murmuring, “Care to fly?”
The masked man oozed danger and excitement. She hovered uncertainly. Should she refuse or accept? In the end, her hand moved of its own volition, closing over the palm he held out to her. One quick tug and she was in his arms, soaring across the ballroom at a speed that felt like her feet weren’t touching the ground. It was almost as exhilarating as it was terrifying.
Eva squeezed her eyes shut. “Too fast.”
The man uttered a throaty laugh, bending to whisper in her ear. “Some of the best things happen that way.”
She uttered a gasp when her back made contact with a soft surface. Before she could speak his lips covered hers, devouring her with fiery kisses. Her limbs melted, her body rendered boneless. She was nothing more than a mass of sensation, accepting pleasure as it was given to her. Deep, passionate kisses. A whisper of a touch along her side. Her sleep shirt dissipated and electrifying caresses grazed her bare flesh. Expert fingers plucked the hardened points of her breast before trailing down her body, leaving energizing tingles in their wake. They wandered between her thighs, rubbing and teasing the sensitive flesh there. Taking her to the very brink of climax.