Heart of an Angel Read online

Page 5

  My mate.

  “Missed you,” he murmured into her ear.

  Smiling, she closed her arms over his. “I was right here, waiting for you.”

  “Mm…good.” He nuzzled her ear. “Now that I’m here, I’m not going anywhe—”

  He cut off with a strangled cry as he was yanked from her arms. Shrieking in shock, Abby whirled around, to see the tips of a pair of majestic white wings at the very top of her vision. A powerful white angel flew through the sky…with a struggling Nate clutched in his grip.

  “No. No!”

  Abby awoke with a gasp. The remnants of her dream lingered, the taste of fear on her tongue.

  “You okay?” Nate asked from behind her.

  Swallowing hard, Abby took stock of her surroundings. They still flew through the air, but apparently she’d been sleeping for quite a long time, because rays of orange colored the sky and the concrete jungle of the city had given way to jutting mountaintops reminiscent of her dream. Instead of patches of lush green, however, they were covered in gleaming white snow.

  “I’ve never seen snow so pure before,” she said.

  Nate’s arms tightened around her. “Untouched by man.”

  There was an eerie sort of beauty about it, one that made her long for a camera. “Are we close to your compound?”

  “Just around the bend.”

  He swept through a canyon, following the twisting path of the mountain beside them, and then dipped low into a crevice. Mountains hugged them on either side, so close she thought she might be able to reach out and touch them if she dared.

  “Are we going the right way?” she asked, even though it was clearly a silly question. The man lived here, for God’s sake.

  Nate made an amused sound deep in his throat. “Trust me.”

  On he flew through the narrow valley, going lower and lower until she made out a glimpse of water below. Rivulets of steam sprouted up from it.

  What the—?

  “Is that a stream?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Warmed by a hot spring.”

  “Holy crap!”

  With a chuckle, he touched down on a narrow ledge maybe twenty feet above the water. Much to her surprise, she found herself facing a dark hole leading inside the mountain.

  She gave Nate a dubious look. “Seriously?”

  “I’ll show you the way.”

  When he grabbed her hand, crackles of electricity trickled in through the thick wool of her gloves. His lips curved in silent acknowledgment of the sensation, and a sliver of frustrated desire wafted over to her.

  Want. Need. Have. Now.

  Whoa, those weren’t just her own feelings washing over her. They were his as well.

  Abby studied Nate unabashedly. She’d suspected, and Ruby had confirmed, that angels could feel others’ emotions. It explained so much about her own abilities. Growing up, she’d always been able to get a good sense of what others felt. Her mother had called it naturally-heightened intuition, but now she knew better. Now she knew what her mother never had: that her father had been an angel.

  And knowing Nate desired her, seeing his delicious bare torso flex with the effort of absorbing his wings into himself, it was all she could do to keep her hands off him.

  Her peak in emotions must have traveled the space between them, because his lips parted slightly, his gaze softening and lowering to her mouth. She froze in place, struck dumb by the enchantment he’d unintentionally cast over her. But when a blast of cool air hit her face and sparked a shiver, he burst into motion.

  “Come on. It’s cold out here.”

  Spell broken, she followed Nate into the pitch-black cave. The inside smelled dank and musty, and the entire space gave the aura of having never been traversed before. Probably a great spot for a hideout, but also more than a bit creepy. She stifled a shudder at the cold moisture seeping in through her layers of clothes. But to her surprise, after many long minutes of traveling down the scary, darkened path, the icy moistness was gone.

  “It’s getting warmer in here,” she commented.

  “Yes, because we’re going deeper into the mountain. You’ll find our compound to be quite pleasant year-round, despite the fact that we don’t artificially heat or cool it.”

  The cast of artificial light glowed from farther within. With her hand clenched in Nate’s, she moved toward it. He rounded a corner, and through the ever-growing light she made out a narrow, rock-hewn corridor. Then the path spit them out into an open room.

  “Holy shit, a living room!”

  Amusement shone on his face as he let her hand go. “What did you expect, a tiny cavern to hold all of us?”

  She didn’t know what she’d expected. After the surprise of the former rebel base in Brooklyn, she should have suspected the Fallen compound would be no mere “cave”. But this…this was beyond all her imaginings.

  “What else is there here, besides a living room?”

  Nate’s laugh told her she was about to be even more surprised. “Let me show you.”

  He led her down a corridor and past a swinging door, into a kitchen. An honest-to-God kitchen, not just a room with iceboxes like the former rebel base. This one had stainless steel appliances and a large center island made of the same rock as the mountain.

  “Oh my God. How?”

  “With a little bit of ingenuity, and a fair amount of muscle.”

  She surreptitiously let her gaze roam over some of that glorious muscle. Yeah, she could see now why he was so built.

  The whisper of voices came from a second door, and Abby turned her questing gaze to Jason. “What’s that?”

  His mouth tightened a fraction. “Sounds like some of the others are having a conference. Ruby and Jason must have arrived.”

  Abby lifted a brow. “I didn’t know they were coming here too.”

  “They left shortly before we did.” Before she could question him further, Nate turned and strode toward the door. “Let’s find out what they’re talking about.”

  Swallowing a startled protest, she summoned her nerve and started after him. No need to be nervous just because she was about to meet a big group of angels and nephilim.

  Yeah, no need.

  So why was she?

  Abby had to admit, being suddenly privy to the inner workings of an entirely different species would take a certain amount of adjustment. She might technically be half angel, but that didn’t make her feel any less human.

  Nate pushed the door and it swung open to reveal a group of men and women seated at a giant stone table with matching stone benches. Jason and Ruby were there, along with five other women and even more men. The men were all shirtless and amazingly fit.

  Jeez, what a crop of man candy.

  Abby swallowed hard and did her best not to gawk…or drool. It was hard, though, considering this was her every adolescent fantasy come to life.

  An angel with a movie-star face and jaw-length black hair sat at the head of the table. He cut off mid-speech when he saw them.

  All eyes went to where she and Nate stood, and the fine hairs on her arms rose. The pure and utter power in their gazes made her skin tight and itchy.

  What am I doing here?

  How could she ever fit in with these otherworldly beings? How could she ever prove herself worthy of Nate’s love?

  Nate must have caught a hint of her emotions, because he turned and placed a hand on the small of her back. That simple touch, barely palpable over the thick fabric of her coat, was enough to steel her nerves.

  “Welcome,” said the man at the head of the table.

  “You were expecting us.”

  Nate’s words were a statement rather than a question.

  “Jason advised us you were coming. And Seth sensed your arrival.” The man inclined his head in the direction of another angel, one who wore black leather pants and gave her a saucy wink in greeting.

  When Nate’s shoulders stiffened, she caught the sense she was missing something big. That suspici
on was confirmed when the leather-clad angel cast his gaze toward Nate and said, “Not to worry, brother. I mean you no challenge.”

  Nate relaxed and urged her further inside. “This is Abby.”

  Seth let out an amused chuckle. “We’ve heard all about her as well…and how she came to reunite with you.”

  Abby fought the rise of heat in her cheeks. Maybe hunting Jason down with a sword hadn’t been the brightest of ideas, but it had accomplished her goal, so that was that.

  “I’m Michael,” said the man sitting at the head of the table. The leader of this group, she surmised. “Welcome to our home.”

  The angels sitting at the table emitted an almost-stifling aura of power. She fought the urge to fidget. “Thank you.”

  Michael said to Nate, “We’re discussing the Tribunal. Come. Have a seat.”

  Nate nodded to her, motioning toward one of the benches. She sat and he scooted in beside her.

  “We were noting the fact that the nation’s president has yet to disclose his capture by the Tribunal, and his subsequent rescue before he could be executed,” Michael said to Nate without further delay.

  A stunning woman with blond hair that hung in short waves just past her chin snickered. “We rescue the damn guy, and he can’t even be bothered to mention it, or the fact that the angels plan on doing away with humans? This is bullshit!”

  Nate leaned in to murmur in Abby’s ear, “That’s Samantha. She’s Aaron’s mate, and one of the nephilim who helped us get footage of the angels kidnapping the president.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Michael said. “However, the fact that he didn’t tells me one of two things. Either he is too frightened, or he has been somehow deceived.”

  “Or brainwashed,” Ruby shot back.

  When Michael only nodded, Samantha asked, “So what now?”

  Ruby scowled and pounded her fist on the table. “We can’t just sit here waiting for something to happen. We have to become the aggressors.”

  A moment of silence, then Michael shook his head. “We cannot. The Tribunal would be quick to label our actions as proof that we strike against mankind, and we would be hard-pressed to refute it.”

  Ruby sighed in exasperation. “So, what? We just wait?”

  “I don’t see what else we can do, love,” Jason said to her in a comforting voice.

  There was a long moment of weighted silence.

  Michael stood. “We’ll reconvene here in the evening to go over any other options. For now, we should all get some rest.”

  Abby turned her gaze to Nate, discomfort winding through her as she realized she had no idea where she was supposed to go do that. He must have read her emotions, because his eyes met hers and he leaned in to say, “Would you like to see my chambers? You can rest there for now if you like.”

  The rest of the people in the room melted away. She took a deep breath, trying to fight the foolish hope that ignited in her chest at his words. Nowhere in that sentence had he suggested he’d be staying with her. However, she couldn’t help but wonder…

  “Of course,” she said, once she became aware she’d paused for too long.

  “Okay. Later in the morning I’ll take you to the rebel base camp and introduce you to the others.”

  Just like that, her hope extinguished. If he planned on taking her to the rebel base camp, then he probably didn’t plan on keeping her here with him. She shouldn’t have expected any more than that, but it still sucked.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled as he gave her a grin. “Come on.”

  Only once he’d risen did she realize they were the only ones left in the room.

  She followed Nate back out to the living room, and into a different hallway with sets of stairs going up and down.

  “The hot spring feeds into the cavern, so we took advantage of it and created a bathing room downstairs.” Nate started up the staircase. “We have six levels upstairs, with enough space to provide each of us with generous quarters.”

  “Whoa.” She followed him up the stone stairs, marveling at their construction. They were clearly carved from the mountain, and the amount of work that must have gone into making them, into creating all of this, astounded her. “How long did this take?”

  “It’s a work in progress.” He gave her a side grin that set her heart to racing. Somehow she had a feeling she’d react that way every time he smiled. “We’ve been at it for twelve years.”

  Abby let out a low whistle.

  “Wait ’til you see the rest of it.”

  He led her up five flights of stairs before coming to a stop on the second to last floor. It boasted a long, narrow hallway, with corridors to the right and left. Nate turned left and led her down the winding hallway.

  The lighting was very dim, giving the space an eerie aura. But even that couldn’t dampen her awe or excitement. She was in the home of the very angel who’d saved her. The sinfully delicious man she’d dreamt of since childhood.

  She was about to go into his rooms. With him.

  Where his bed would be.

  Breathe, Abby. Breathe. You can handle it.

  Just because she was a virgin didn’t mean she was going to freak out. It was him she’d been saving herself for, after all.

  Willing her heartbeat to calm down, she ruthlessly shoved back the tidal wave of emotions that threatened to burst forth. Something about being in this space, with Nate, reawakened her adolescent self. Maybe it was the excessive hormones, but whatever it was, she needed to put a damper on it. Now. If the full breadth of her emotions traveled over to Nate, he’d probably go running from this cave quicker than she could blink.

  He wasn’t ready. But God help her, with any hope soon he would be.

  The corridor came to an end at a wooden door. Nate opened it, then pressed his back against the stone wall and motioned for her to enter. She walked in, and her mouth dropped open.

  “I don’t know why I’m surprised,” she finally managed.

  Nate chuckled as he closed the door. “A dozen years gives us plenty of time to recreate the creature comforts of home.”

  Apparently. He’d done it by turning the space into his own personal living room. A dark brown microfiber couch, a television, and a bookshelf with a variety of books filled the room. Across from her was another open door, leading into what she assumed to be his actual bedroom. She slowly walked through the space, taking in every detail, from the Xbox console and games to the surprising book of poems lying on one arm of the couch. Coming to a stop in front of the open door, she looked her fill.

  Nate’s bedroom was a study in luxury. A dark four-poster bed took up most of the space in the small, carved-out room. It had silky, inviting sheets in a dark blue and a huge down comforter that would no doubt keep her warm even on the coldest of winter nights. The room even smelled like vanilla and spice. No surprise there.

  It was, in a word, amazing.

  Abby turned and let her gaze fall back on the man who’d haunted her dreams. “Why do you ever leave?”

  That coaxed a laugh from him. “I wonder that myself sometimes.”

  He leaned against the doorjamb, his muscles flexing in a way that made her want to leap the short distance separating them and wrestle him to the ground. Then tear his jeans off and show him just how delicious she found him.

  When he stiffened under the heat of her gaze, she forced her errant thoughts back.

  Stop it.

  Lord knew he sensed every bit of how much she wanted him. No need to make it even more obvious than it already was.

  She couldn’t help but notice, though, that Nate looked far more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. That must be due to the warm, familiar comfort of his surroundings. It made her realize just how much she’d longed for belonging. A place to call her home.

  No, not a place. A person.

  More specifically, him.

  She must have done a lousy job of holding back her feelings, because Nate shifted uneasily and averted his gaze. He s
traightened and said, “I know you had some sleep on the way, but I’m sure it wasn’t restful. We’ll be heading to the rebel campground in several hours for the daily training session. Why don’t you try to get some sleep first?”

  Her gaze drifted back to the luxurious sheets and she gave voice to the obvious question. “What about you?”

  Where are you going to sleep?

  Something hot and delicious flashed in his eyes, sparking an answering shiver of heat in her body. If he took one step toward her right now, gave even one tiny indication that he’d be willing…

  God, she was ready for him. She’d been ready since the moment she’d spotted him once again.

  To her utter disappointment, he put more distance between them.

  “I’ll have a rest here on the couch. It’s comfortable enough.”


  Forcing a smile to her face, she said, “Good. And thanks.”

  With some luck, her patience would be rewarded. She hoped so, at least, because her body ached for release. It wept for the touch of her mate.

  And whether he was willing to accept it or not, Nate was that mate.

  Chapter Seven

  The rebel campground was blanketed in layer upon layer of snowy white, like a picture-perfect postcard of serenity. While a small, childish part of Nate longed to be out there, threading his footsteps through the unmarred snow, it was far too cold for the humans of their group to be out in for any length of time.

  “Not like that.”

  The strong tenor of Ruby’s voice floated through the large gymnasium he and the Fallen had recently built on one corner of the rebel campground, so the humans could continue their training during the winter months. Nate turned away from the window.

  Ruby was showing Abby some basic hand-to-hand combat maneuvers, and he had to admit his little beauty looked strong and graceful mimicking Ruby’s movement. Not to mention the way her tight jeans molded over the fine curves of her body.

  “Your foot goes here,” Ruby said as she positioned Abby into the proper placement.

  Abby lifted her fists to block her face, and the soft wool of her fitted sweater rose to show a glimpse of her stomach. That simple flash of skin made his body go rigid with desire.