Mark of the Sylph (Demons of Infernum, #2) Read online

Page 6

  Taeg whistled casually while they sped down the street, headed uptown. He played with the pedals, then the wiper blades and air-conditioner, until it became clear he truly didn’t have much driving experience.

  Maya maintained a death-grip on the passenger-side handle while Taeg turned the stereo knob, stopping at a classic rock station. She suddenly wished she’d learned how to drive, but living in the city, she’d never found the need. “Maybe you’d better concentrate on the road.”

  “Loosen up. I’ll get us there.”

  “Yeah, but in what condition?”

  He screeched to a stop at a red light, neighboring cars halting all around and beside them. Maya tensed. There might never be a better moment to get away. Sure, she’d be leaving with a bunch of unanswered questions, but she’d be alive.

  As if he sensed her thoughts, Taeg reached out and closed his hand around hers. The light turned green, and she forced herself to relax. The truth was, her fingers felt good closed inside his. This felt right. And wasn’t that just wrong?

  She snatched her hand back. “I’d rather not get demon DNA on me, thank you very much.”

  Taeg let out a snort and gripped the steering wheel. “I’ll show you demon DNA.”

  Her cheeks flaming, Maya turned her head to stare out the window and tried to concentrate on where they were going. He hadn’t even bothered blindfolding her. Was that a good thing or not? “Is your friend expecting us?”

  “You could say that,” Taeg replied.

  “And you’ll let me go if I still refuse to help after this?”

  There was a moment of silence before Taeg let out a soft laugh.

  Maya turned. “What?”

  “You pretend like you’re so hard, but I have a hunch about you, little slayer.” He gave her a glance so heated that she felt far too warm beneath her jeans and shirt. “I’m betting you’re not as hard as you think. By tonight, I bet you’ll be willing to help me.”

  “That’s a bet you’ll lose, demon.”

  “Oh yeah? Then let’s make it interesting, shall we? If I win, I get a prize.” The challenge in his voice dared her to refuse.

  “What kind of prize?” she grudgingly asked.

  He arched a brow. “A kiss.”

  “A kiss? You must be crazy.” Maya took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. This bet would only be too easy to win. All she had to do was refuse to help him. “And if you lose?”

  Taeg laughed and shrugged. “Then you can kiss me.”

  “That’s not what I meant—”

  He took a hard right onto a side street and pulled into the parking garage of one of the swankiest buildings in New York.

  “Your friend lives here?”

  “Yup. Surprised I’d know someone who lives in a place like this?”

  “Everything about you surprises me.”

  She answered with such brutal honesty that his attention whipped toward her, eyes widening, and he almost drove straight into a post.

  “Eyes on the road,” she squeaked, tightening her grip on the handle.

  He corrected and headed toward a valet station, where a uniformed man awaited them. “Careful, sweetheart,” he murmured, “you might just be the death of us.”

  The valet opened the door and waited for Maya to slide out before heading to Taeg’s side of the car. “Good day, Mr. Meyers, sir.”

  Taeg clapped the man on the back in greeting, then walked over to Maya. He slid an arm around her, guiding her toward the door leading into the lobby of the building. She tried her best to ignore the heat emanating off his body and the promise of indulgent sin oozing from his pores. Impossible.

  Inside the lush lobby, a security guard sat behind a marble desk, checking in a visitor. Taeg’s arm tightened around Maya and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I hope you’re not thinking about trying to run away or asking the security guard for help, ’cause he knows exactly what I am and he’ll only assume you’re another captured demon fugitive.”

  “Another what?”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Meyers,” the guard called.

  “Hey, Winslow, how’s it hanging?” Taeg breezed by him and toward the elevator.

  “Did you just say fugitive—?”

  “Later,” Taeg interrupted. The doors opened, and he pushed her into the elevator.

  She broke free of his grasp and rounded on him, barely paying attention as he pressed a button. “What do you mean, a captured demon fugitive?”

  “We’ll talk about it some other time.”

  Like hell. “You can’t expect me to keep my mouth shut like you never mentioned a thing about some sort of fugitive.”

  He leaned forward with a soft laugh, and she instinctively retreated until her back hit the elevator door. He took advantage of that by pressing his arms to either side of her, effectively imprisoning her with his body. “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t expect anything less from you than defiance and general kick-assitude.”

  Maya said nothing, just held her breath while he lifted one palm to her cheek, caressing it. He regarded her like she was some yummy dessert he wanted to devour. She didn’t know how to respond to a demon who wasn’t trying to kill or harm her. Much less one who was openly admiring of her. This was beyond her level of expertise.

  “You are so... weird,” she finally said.

  He laughed. “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Her mind barely registered the ding of the elevator when it arrived on their floor. The door slid open so quickly she would have fallen flat on her ass if Taeg hadn’t caught her by the shoulders and steadied her. He flashed her a brilliant smile. “Come on, let’s go.”

  Maya followed him down a long hallway. At last he stopped. Rather than knocking as she’d expected, he took a set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door.

  “Knock, knock. It’s me. Hope everyone’s dressed,” he said as he nudged the door open.

  She followed him inside and froze. They were in a luxuriously appointed foyer the size of Taeg’s entire bedroom. A leather chair and end table had been set up in one corner, and a burly man sat there, watching a tiny television set on top of the table. He wasn’t human. His outline was hazy and jagged, as if he was about to bust out of his skin.

  “How’s it going, Taeg?” the man asked conversationally.

  “Good. Brought a friend. Her name is Maya.”

  The man smiled and rose, starting toward her. When she backed away, Taeg stopped him with an upheld hand. “If you don’t mind, buddy, she’s got a thing about people getting too close to her.”

  Maya blinked and looked over at Taeg. If he only knew how close to the truth his words were...

  “No problem,” the man replied. He nodded at her and sat back down with a smile. “My name is Bram. Nice to meet you, Maya.”

  “I... uh... me too.” Because what was she supposed to say? I hate you, demon scum?

  “Bram’s a family friend and a personal bodyguard,” Taeg said.

  A demon bodyguard. “How nice.”

  Taeg shook his head, clearly amused. “Come on.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her into an expansive living room that had a wall of windows with what could possibly be the most amazing view in the entire city.

  “Oh my God. This is incredible.”

  “Isn’t it?”

  Maya staggered to the windows and drank in the view. This building was taller than the surrounding ones, dwarfing the rooftops surrounding it. Below, a long row of cars snaked along the street. Off to the side was a stunning and very large terrace. What would the view from that terrace look like at night, when the neighboring structures and streetlights were all lit?

  “There you are,” a feminine voice said.

  She whirled to see a willowy woman stroll into the living room. Her lack of glamour gave her away as human, though there was a peculiar sort of energy flowing from her that most humans didn’t have. She had long, honey-brown hair and the body of a dancer. And while Maya was dressed in
yesterday’s shirt and jeans, the woman was outfitted in light-gray wool slacks and a cream-colored silk blouse.

  Immediately, Maya became all too aware of how short and squat she would look standing next to her, and she winced inwardly at the unfavorable comparison. It was like comparing silk to burlap.

  The woman gave Maya a thorough once-over before she turned her attention to Taeg. Her gaze raked across his T-shirt and a glint came to her eyes. “Isn’t that the truth?”

  Taeg let out a short bark of laughter. “Hi, Brynn.”

  To Maya’s shock, his expression lit up with pure joy at the sight of Brynn. He crossed the room in three long strides and enveloped her in his arms. She couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped her when he pressed his lips to Brynn’s cheek.

  It wasn’t that she was jealous. No, of course not. But how could he flirt so callously with her and then bring her to a girlfriend’s house? Did he really think this was going to make her want to help him?

  Taeg pulled away from Brynn. “How’s the baby?”

  What? She was having his baby? How dare he act the way he did when he had a woman and a child on the way? How sick. And who even knew that demons and humans could mate?

  “Good. Hasn’t been giving me so much trouble lately.”

  Taeg turned to her. “Maya, I’d like to introduce you to Brynn Meyers. She’s my sister-in-law.”

  “Your... your... ” For the first time, Maya noticed a picture hanging on the wall. It was of Taeg and his brothers, a twin to the one in his room. “Oh.”

  This time there was no denying the relief that rushed through her veins, easing the tight pressure in her chest. Oh God. She’d actually been jealous. Over a demon. How could she feel that way about him? How was it even possible? Just the thought of it made her feel sick to her stomach. She pressed her hand to the spot to calm the sudden roiling in her gut.

  Affecting a calm she didn’t feel, Maya turned to Brynn. “Can I use your restroom?”

  Chapter Six

  “I like her.”

  Taeg tore his eyes from the corridor where Maya had disappeared and speared his sister-in-law with a questioning glance. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Brynn grinned, no doubt amused by his inability to focus. “I said I like her. She’s got spunk.”

  “Oh yeah,” he responded. “If there’s anything Maya has in abundant supply, it’s spunk.” And man, was it a turn-on. She would never be one to stand by quietly and put up with someone’s crap.

  Still, her reaction to Brynn had surprised him. For one moment she had actually looked jealous. And no doubt she’d realized it. Why else would she be hiding out in the bathroom?

  “Where did you meet her?” Brynn asked.

  Taeg fought back a shameful wince. Keegan hadn’t told her? “Uh, long story.”

  “I have time,” she said, effectively putting him on the spot. Damn, she knew him too well.

  “Well... I sort of noticed yesterday that she has the ability to see through glamours.”

  Brynn stared at him for several long seconds. He could practically see the wheels in her head spinning. “And... ?”

  Taeg fought the urge to fidget. “And I thought her gift might come in handy.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?”


  Her eyes narrowed in on him. “Taeg.”

  This time he did wince. Brynn was going to make an excellent mother. She already had the scolding bit down pat.

  “I, uh... accidentally... kidnapped her,” he mumbled.

  “I can’t hear you.”

  “I kidnapped her, okay?”

  “Taeg!” She crossed her arms and shot him a disapproving glare.

  “What? I didn’t mean to. I tried to talk to her, but she kept on attacking me. She even knocked herself out trying to kill me. Taking her home was the only way I could get her to listen. What? Would you rather I left her to the bums in the alley?”

  Brynn let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head. “This has something to do with Leviathos, doesn’t it? That’s all you’ve been focused on for the past few months.”


  The front door opened, saving Taeg from further explanation.

  “I’m home,” Keegan called. After a second, he appeared in the room.

  As always, Taeg felt that familiar tug of guilt upon the sight of his brother. He’d failed him in so many ways. And he owed him so much. Though Keegan was only a couple of years older than him, he was more of a father figure to him than their own dad had ever been.

  Keegan spotted Taeg and let out a snort. “Welcome home, idiot.”

  “Good to see you, too, shithead.”

  Keegan snatched Brynn into his arms and gave her a kiss so long and heated that Taeg finally had to clear his throat.

  “How’s our little one?” Keegan asked, breaking away to place his hand on Brynn’s stomach.

  “Good.” Brynn smiled up at him. “No contractions today.”

  Children of demons and humans were quite rare. At less than three months along, Brynn’s pregnancy had so far been difficult. There had been a few scares, and now Keegan tried to stay by her side as much as possible. One of the main reasons Taeg was so damn eager to take care of Leviathos; she didn’t need him hanging over her head. Then there was the whole fact that it was his fault Brynn was in danger. Leviathos had major beef with him, and he would go to any lengths to punish him. Even hurt the ones he loved.

  Keegan straightened and looked around the room. “Have you come to your senses and let the woman go, then?”

  “She’s in the bathroom.”

  Brynn turned to scowl at Keegan. “You knew about this?”

  Keegan winced, making Taeg laugh. Seeing his big brother in trouble was always a fun little side bonus.

  But then Keegan put the heat back on him. “What’s all this about?”

  Aw, crap. He tried sidestepping the question. “Are Ronin and Dagan here?”

  “Ronin’s in his room, and Dagan will be here soon,” Brynn said. “We’re having an early dinner. And don’t try to avoid answering.”

  “All right, I’ll tell you,” he grumbled. “When everyone’s here. Don’t want to have to repeat myself.”

  “Fine.” Keegan turned to Brynn. “I’m gonna go have a word with Ronin.”

  He strode out of the room, leaving Taeg alone with Brynn.

  She didn’t waste any time. “I know you’re focused on tracking down Leviathos out of some weird sense of guilt over him being your childhood friend.”

  Not just because of that. No, there was much more behind it. Like the fact that Taeg had betrayed a friend. Let down his big brother. Made too many mistakes to name.

  “Brynn, I—”

  “I’m not scolding,” she continued softly. “You’re doing it to protect us, and I love you for it. But you need to think long and hard about involving that girl, because you’re putting her in danger, too, and that doesn’t seem very fair to me. Just think about it, okay?”

  “Okay,” he said, mainly to appease her.

  With a small nod, she left the room. He turned to stare out the window, barely noticing the striking view. A niggling sense of doubt wormed its way through his head. Brynn was right. He could be putting Maya in danger by involving her. Prickly as she was, she seemed like a decent-enough person. From what he’d seen in her dream, she might even be a little broken. He couldn’t offer her anything other than danger and the possibility of getting more broken. Or dead.

  Maybe keeping her around wasn’t such a good idea after all.


  Taeg stared blindly down at the street. Why couldn’t this be easier? Why did he have to feel so damn guilty? No matter what, he couldn’t stop now. What were the odds of him finding someone like Maya, someone who was uniquely qualified to help? He wasn’t about to turn his back on that just because it might be dangerous for her.

  Family was the most important thing to him right now. He couldn’t lose
sight of that. Keegan, Brynn, his unborn niece or nephew—they were the ones he needed to concentrate on. To protect.

  As for the tempting little Maya...

  Too bad for her.

  He sighed. If only he truly meant it.


  Maybe if Maya was lucky they’d forget she was in here. She could wait for the appropriate moment, then slink out the front door.

  Not freaking likely.

  How could she have felt jealous back there? Over Taeg?

  She gripped the countertop and stared into the large, ornate mirror. “He’s a demon, Maya. A demon. How could you forget that, even for a minute?”

  Maybe because he had seemed so human when he had looked at Brynn with love in his eyes. There was no mistaking that emotion. Demons could love. Who knew?

  A knock at the door brought her back to reality. She turned away from the mirror with a loud sigh. No doubt it was Taeg, eager to confuse the hell out of her some more.

  “Remember that he’s the enemy,” she whispered as she walked to the door. Pasting a frown on her face, she jerked the door open. “What do you want now?”

  Brynn, not Taeg, greeted her at the door.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  The corners of Brynn’s lips twitched as if she fought to keep from smiling. “It’s okay. I thought we could talk for a moment.”

  “Um... sure.” Maya shuffled backward when Brynn took that as an invitation to enter the bathroom.

  Brynn shut the door and strolled over to the large jet tub, taking a seat on its wide ledge. She motioned toward the closed toilet lid, a few feet in front of her. “Have a seat.”

  Throwing her a puzzled look, Maya obeyed.

  “I heard about how Taeg... came to be with you. Sorry about that.” Brynn’s expression was warm and open. “He can be a real tool sometimes, but he has a heart of gold. That I can vouch for.”

  “Heart of gold? He’s a demon.”

  “What?” Brynn’s brow creased, then a look of understanding crossed her face. “Ah, I see.” She leaned forward with a sigh. “How can I put this?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Not all demons are evil.”

  All of Maya’s breath escaped her body in one single whoosh. “I... but they’re demons.”